
  • Variety of terms
  • Preferential interest rates
  • Simple process
  • Quickly transaction at any Business Unit of IVB.


Target Customers:

  • Vietnamese.


Product Features:

  • Term: non-term, weekly term, term from 1 month to 24 months.
  • Type of currency: Vietnam Dong and US Dollar.
  • Interest rate: fixed throughout the term of deposit.
  • Form of issue: passbook.


 Other regulations:

  • For withdrawals before maturity date: interest will be paid on actual and minimum non-term rate at the time of withdrawal.
  • Savings deposit is renewable on maturity date.


Required Documents:

  • Application for Savings of Deposit Opening.
  • Personal documents: ID card or Passport.



Please contact us at any nearest IVB's branch or transaction office to process opening account, fulfil Application for Savings Deposit Opening.

Terms & Conditions: Please CLICK HERE

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